Farming Initiatives in Northern, Central, & Southern Districts of Malawi
Locations: Chitipa, Karonga, Dowa, Lilongwe, & Blantyre
Increasing biodiversity, food diversity and indigenous technologies in disaster prone areas have been a challenge in Malawi for the past decades. Foundation for Community Support Services (FOCUS) and Hope Ministries International (HOMI) with funding from Oversees Economic Development Initiative (OEDI) are implementing a project called “Enhancing Rural Livelihoods and Resilience through Indigenous System-ERLR” Indigenous American agricultural System Pilot Project in the Districts of Chitipa, Karonga, Lilongwe, Blantyre and Dowa in Malawi since 2016. A great and wonderful job is being done to those who need tools for coping mechanisms on issues of climate changes.
The following are projects objectives:
- To increase the resilience of production to severe weather events (droughts and floods), lack of inputs and pests and decreases.
- To increase the resilience of agriculture livelihoods.
- To contribute to the nutritional improvement of the diet.
- The project has so far done the following in Malawi.
Malawi is one of the countries which is greatly affected by different kinds of disasters such as floods, drought, stormy rains, strong winds, hailstorms, landslides, earthquakes, pest infestations, diseases outbreaks, fire, and accidents, just to mention a few. Climate variability and climate change impacts are now, more than ever, becoming evident. The frequency, magnitude and intensity of weather-related disasters like floods and dry spells are increasing.
The project is being implemented in phases; winter season (June to December 2016, Rainfed season (November 2016 to June 2017) and now winter again (June to December 2017).
For more information read the full report from Blessings Mlowoka, OEDIs in-country coordinator in Malawi. (Read More)