OEDI is not a charity but rather a toolbox. Our organization is committed to providing the tools necessary to alleviate abject poverty and improve lives through sustained community development via a clear three step process: Health Care and Clean Water, Education, and Micro-Financing. OEDI is committed to partner with identified communities for the development of programs that enhance the opportunity of the youth to pursue a brighter future.
The approach OEDI utilizes involves three distinct steps which we believe build on each other to result in the most effective progression for community development. Moreover, we believe it is essential each step be self-sustaining in order to ensure each project's reach does not cease when the project is "closed." The progression is as follows:
- Health Care and Clean Water - Disease and illness is one of the most destructive issues encountered when working with a developing community. OEDI is committed to providing the means by which our target communities can combat disease and illness while simultaneously providing them with the ability to prevent such maladies. We firmly believe a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, capable of effectively handling educative, social, and economic initiatives.
- Education - Once a community is relieved of the burden which accompanies the fear of disease, an educational environment can truly thrive. OEDI believes education is essential for empowering others to raise themselves out of poverty. Additionally, educational institutions provide safe places for children to learn and discover gifts and talents which can be utilized to positively benefit their communities far into the future.
- Micro-Financing - Economic development is finally realized once a community is healthy and educated. OEDI provides economic support by making loans available for small business owners. Additionally, OEDI constructs and leases low-cost retail spaces for business owners. Currently we have a 97% loan repayment rate.
In summary, OEDI is a 501(c)(3) established to collect funds to construct clinics and schools and provide financial assistance in global humanitarian projects which will enable individuals to pursue quality health care, education, and income generating skills. OEDI focuses on improving targeted individual’s standard of living as well as aiding sustainable change which will affect a community for generations to come.
Target Nations
OEDI has constructed schools in Hyderbad, Mysuru, & Penegram, providing education to 2000+ students yearly since 2010.
240,000 USD in OEDI Grants have gone to the construction and remodelling of multiple schools.
Installation of student restrooms at each school and lessons on sanitation is a core element of OEDIs mission for health.
In an effort to combat malnourishment OEDI Grants have included funds to construct kitchens in each school so that students have access to at least one meal every day.
With access to clean water being one of the most pressing issues in developing nations most OEDI schools have taken advantage of grant money to install water wells, pumps and storage tanks so that students and teachers have access to clean drinking water.
OEDI's first project was a 2,500 USD grant for the expansion of a primary school in Anyinasu Ghana.
Since 2009, OEDI has poured roughly 350,000 USD in grant money into various communities throughout Ghana. These grants have focused on the construction of schools, clinics and wells and the funding of scholarships, micro-loans, and backing community credit unions.
Increasing biodiversity, food diversity and indigenous technologies in disaster prone areas have been a challenge in Malawi for the past decades.
OEDI has provided a grant to, Foundation for Community Support Services (FOCUS) and Hope Ministries International (HOMI). This grant focuses on the implementation of a project called “Enhancing Rural Livelihoods and Resilience through Indigenous System-ERLR” which is an Indigenous American Agricultural Systems Pilot Project in the Districts of Chitipa, Karonga, Lilongwe, Blantyre and Dowa.
This project aims to teach locals sustainable farming methods and combat food shortages caused by climate change and other natural disasters.